
Star One Fleet

We currently have 5 satellites in orbit. In 2021, we launched the Star One D2, with four times the power of its predecessors.

Holding the best and largest satellite operations center in Latin America, in Guaratiba (Brazil). From that station, and from other associated facilities, we carry out all the necessary procedures to keep our fleet in orbit 365 days a year.

We were also the first company in the sector to be certified by the NBR ISO 9001 Standard, related to the process of controlling geostationary satellites in orbit, including re-certified in the NBR ISO 9001: 2015 Standard.



Specialized in the distribution of signals to affiliates and retransmitters throughout the country, as well as transmissions of live events without interruptions.


It allows an important improvement in signal quality and increase in the coverage of the broadcaster.

Distance learning

Our fleet of satellites makes it possible to take learning to remote places and reach a larger number of students, with high quality audiovisual transmission.

International use

We operate in the space segment in Latin America and the United States, offering corporate services of data, voice, Internet and special customized projects.

Data network

In order to connect data networks of parent companies and branches using dedicated links or not, we have Infosat Prime or Datasat Plus that enable connectivity with a single solution or with other land solutions.


Our solution is ideal for companies that need fast and premium Internet access but do not have the necessary land infrastructure.

Occasional use

Through e-SAT, companies can rent satellite capacity for the transmission of specific events at diverse times and bands. Support during signal activation via 0800 telephone and service in Portuguese.

Monitoring and control

Best results in managing satellites globally, with 100% success in launching and operating our fleet in orbit.

Satellite monitoring


High-tech TT&C antenna, which in addition to calibrated tests and backup of critical operations, can provide satellite orbit circularization services in launch operations.

Satellite control


Total autonomy in satellite fleet operation, due to our qualified technical team. Allowing us to also operate geostationary satellites from other operators in an integrated manner.

Tracking space debris

Space surveillance system to detect possible collision threats with space debris and which performs safety maneuvers on our satellites in the event of any of these objects approaching.

Technical information


Report on compliance and download of technical information about our satellites.

Time prediction

Box center time prediction (GMT) for all our satellites.

Solar interference

Tools for calculating solar interference prediction for Brazil and Latin America.